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Events / Other festivals and celebrations

Multiformat Festival "The Life Energy"

5 - 12 july, 2014, Sverdlovsk region

In nine years of the festival organization more than 5000 guests and over 500 professionals of various levels took part in it, more than 1000 different master classes and lectures were delivered.

Since 2013 the festival is held at the picturesque banks of the river Pyshma. The traditions of the people from Ural villages will become the most important component of the upcoming jubilee festival.

Each day of the festival will be filled with the sound of Russian folk songs, tunes and musical instruments. Craftswomen will create traditional fabrics, costumes, they will collect herbs, paint head bark decorations and wooden spoons.

Strong bogatyrs (warriors) will compete in agility and daring, wood and metal processing. Younger guests of the festival will learn Russian folk tales and songs and explore the surrounding world under the guidance of experienced teachers. The obligatory part of the children "The Life Energy" programme includes entertaining chemistry, physics, anatomy, this year astronomy and agronomy will be added, too.

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12:59:35 0 C (0 F)
Region: Sverdlovsk region
Venue: Sverdlovsk region, the city of Asbest, the village of Belokamenny, the river Pyshma
Phone: (34365) 7 66 32, (953) 044 67 26